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Sermon on the Mount Discussion - Fridays 7:30am-8am on Zoom

The Sermon on the Mount is Jesus’ most well-known teaching and one of history’s most famous speeches ever. Jesus delivered this sermon 2,000 years ago, and the implications of these words are still shockingly relevant and meaningful.

The Bible Project’s “Sermon on the Mount” series offers a deep dive into to the meaning and context surrounding Jesus’s exposition of the Kingdom of God and New creation. As disciples desiring to be shaped by the lifestyle of Jesus and the biblical narrative, deeply engaging scripture together is an important piece of our discipleship walk. Please join us immediately following the prayer call Friday January 31st (zoom link).

Weekly Podcasts and Playlists

Jan 31Episode 1 - Into to the Sermon on the MountPlaylist 1 - Introducing the Sermon on the MountVideo Episode 1 - Intro to the Sermon on the Mount

2Feb 7Episode 2 - The Hebrew Bible's Connection to the Sermon on the MountPlaylist 2 - Jesus and the Torah

Feb 14Episode 3 - The Sermon on the Moun'ts Place in the Gospel of MatthewPlaylist 3 - Doing Right Differently

Feb 21Episode 4 -What Does "Blessed" Mean? (The Beatitudes Pt. 1)Playlist 4 - Right Relationships to Other

November 3

Family Dinner Wheaton

February 16

Bibliodrama - 2nd Sunday 5pm-8pm