Humanity Reimaged

Dream Creatively


Think Wisely


Live Beautifully

refreshing and reconnecting our communities


at heart, EBC is a love story

The Eternal Buzz Vision 

The eternal buzz is the desire of every heart. We long for freedom, beauty, love, kindness, truth, justice, wisdom, and relationships. The eternal buzz promises the highest vision of human identity and purpose: human beings flourishing in community.

Imagine a humanity where people are overflowing with the eternal buzz promise. This might look like communities of people growing in freedom, living with purpose, and shaping culture through service with hope. Families and friends honoring one another, encouraging each one to dream creatively by innovating ideas that improve the quality of life for others, together discovering and developing our unique and creative gifts. Supportive communities that think wisely by forgiving one another as we walk humbly through brokenness, learn to listen responsively, act justly, and provide for others in the face of hardship and suffering. Human beings learning to understand what it means to live beautifully by cultivating diverse yet unified families, extending grace and mercy as we establish sustainable patterns of work and rest, caring for the needs of our communities, and serving those in need from a heart that is at peace.

This is a vision of Eternal Buzz Humanity: human beings reimagined to dream creatively, think wisely, and live beautifully.

Eternal Buzz Café where English meets Italian: Hospitality over Hostility

Eternal Buzz Café engages the atmosphere of a traditional European café to reflect the creativity, wisdom, and beauty of the Eternal Buzz promise by telling the story of loving and generous hospitality as we invite others into our Britalian fusion café, where English wisdom meets Italian beauty!

Generous hospitality defeats hostility by welcoming our guests with the gift of great food shared around the family table.

Centered in a love story that brought two hearts, lives, and traditions together, our missional café serves the Eternal Buzz promise in a perfect cup of traditional Italian espresso or English breakfast tea, in every scoop of our handcrafted gelato, every bite of our freshly baked English scones, and through the honoring service of our Eternal Buzz Champion hosts.

Eternal Buzz Café offers thoughtful and truly excellent Britialian cuisine in restful, beautiful, creative, and therapeutic spaces to support flourishing relationships in community. Eternal Buzz Café also participates in local farmer’s markets, and offers in-home and special event catering services. The café partners with creative artists, engages the Arts for transformation, and as a program of Eternal Buzz Community, trains and employs people in recovery as Eternal Buzz Champion hosts, bakers, baristas, and business managers etc.

Eternal Buzz Community: Creation over Addiction

Eternal Buzz Community engages a not for profit 501(c)3 organizational framework to embody the Eternal Buzz promise by confronting the destruction of addiction through the creativity of hospitality, the wisdom of thoughtful vocational training and mental wellness support systems, and the beauty of artistic spaces and expressive-art therapeutic services. 

Eternal Buzz Community partners with our local communities to prevent drug addiction and overdose by enabling recovery, rehabilitation, and re-entry into the community for those struggling with addiction. EB Community supports these individuals and their families through promoting holistic wellness programs, engaging the creative arts for recovery, and offering hospitality and generosity during the healing process.

EB Community creates a culture where people can feel understood, identify areas of resilience, and discover their own strengths, identity, and purpose in an atmosphere that is nurturing. Our services promote the de-stigmatization of addiction and need for a family environment that fosters support in recovery. 

We utilize creative therapeutic modalities (Art Therapy, Music Therapy, and Drama Therapy) by trained mental health professionals. Seeking beauty rather than institutionalism: we establish creative, beautiful, and safe social spaces in non-clinical settings that cultivate sober-living, recreation, and joy. 

Our curriculum provides life and vocational skills training within a healthy spiritually supportive context. We participate in recovery oriented systems of care (ROSC) that educate community groups to work together: collaborating with inpatient and outpatient recovery programs to support sustained recovery. 

Our facility has a vision to provide affordable, long-term housing (especially for people with drug related felonies). We assist finding employment in an atmosphere that aligns with recovery and reintegration into the community, either at Eternal Buzz Cafe or other local businesses.

Eternal Buzz City: Reconciliation over Isolation

Eternal Buzz City is becoming a missional discipling movement that reflects the creativity, wisdom, and beauty of God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven by equipping, enabling, and releasing Jesus-followers to discover and operate in their God-given design and vocation, while embracing the lovingly-sacrificial life-style of Jesus Christ. Eternal Buzz City offers a community of reconciliation and combats the isolation often experienced in our lives. 

Eternal Buzz City desires to glorify Jesus Christ as Lord and honor human beings, all made in the image of God, to pursue God’s kingdom as a missional community devoted to worship, community, discipleship, and accountable leadership. Eternal Buzz City seeks to equip disciples to live a Jesus-shaped life, partner with God in the restoration of all things, and live out our unique God-given vocation in community. 

Eternal Buzz City invites and challenges each member to joyfully receive and wisely steward and cultivate the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit. Eternal Buzz City honors each family member: we believe each one uniquely reflects God’s image; we are living-stones, together building the temple of God’s presence. We understand Jesus Christ to be the “corner-stone” of the living temple of God (1 Peter 2:4-10).

Eternal Buzz City is a family on mission: a kingdom movement participating in the expansion of God’s reign here on earth as it is in heaven. Eternal Buzz City develops disciples by training and resourcing everyday people to live their God-given purpose. Eternal Buzz City meets together in homes for family-style meals and communion, which includes celebrating the resurrection of Jesus through a sacred family meal around the table, learning from the Bible, communal worship, and prayer. We establish missional communities that glorify God. Eternal Buzz City is a Bible-based Christian faith community, free to serve one another and our neighbors, mediated by the pursuit of a Jesus-Shaped life. 

Become a dreamer with EBC?

100% of your tax deductible donation will help fund this vision and activate your subscription to our “What's the Buzz?” quarterly newsletter.