at heart EBC is a love story

In search of the eternal buzz?

The eternal buzz is the desire of every heart.

Every person longs for beauty, love, kindness, mercy, truth, justice, creativity, family, hospitality, and wisdom. 

We bring the eternal buzz in a cup of coffee, in our gelato, in the manner we serve tea.

The Eternal Buzz family exists to cultivate flourishing relationships, overcome addiction, engage the creative arts for recovery, display hospitality, promote goodwill and serve refreshing reconciliation to our local communities.

Humanity reimagined through the Eternal Buzz to dream creatively, think wisely, and live beautifully

Our mission is embodied within the different expressions of the Eternal Buzz Family

  • Eternal Buzz Café - Britalian Fusion Cafe that offers generous hospitality

  • Eternal Buzz Community - 501c3 Non-Profit that provides vocational training & creative arts for recovery

  • Eternal Buzz City - a missional movement that reflects the creativity, wisdom, & beauty of God’s Kingdom

dream creatively. think wisely. live beautifully.

hospitality over hostility

cultivate flourishing relationships

creation over addiction

partnering with people in recovery

reconciliation over isolation

goodwill towards our communities

Dream with us

Become a lifelong dreamer.


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